Mads Kamp



I help organiations move forward effectively from challenge to solution by cutting through barriers, complexity, jargon, smoke screens and nonsense in order to create clarity and results for the company and everyone involved. I believe people can achieve more than they think.

When I train, I like people to feel so safe that they will venture into new territories. As a trainer, it is my job to give them the knowledge, safety, feedback and courage so they learn that they can successfully make that journey.

I successfully train, facilitate and coach – virtually and face-to-face – by being prepared, open, challenging and empathetic, and I always take a point of departure in the reality of the individual participant.

Director, People & Performance

Present CEO & Founder, Simplfy

Senior Vice President Group HR, Pandora

Senior Vice President HR, William Demant

HR Manager & Interim CEO, IconMedialab



See profile