DiSC personality profile

DiSC personality profile

Personality profiles help increase our self-awareness and improve our communication and collaboration with other people. Choose from different DiSC profile analyses and strengthen collaboration in your organisation.

People & Performance is an Authorised Everything DiSC® partner.


DiSC personality profile for professional development

DiSC is one of the world’s most recognised personality profiles, helping leaders and employees every day to build a common language about behaviours and preferences and how to achieve an effective collaborative culture through teamwork.

DiSC personality profiles enable personal and professional development and open up a wide range of opportunities for both employees and management:


  • Personal development: DiSC personality profiles help identify individual strengths and challenges and can be used to identify opportunities for personal and professional development.
  • Leadership training: When you understand different types of behaviour, you can more easily learn how to motivate and manage your employees. Knowing the personality profiles of your employees makes it easier to create better teams and working environments.
  • Conflict management: Personality profiles shed light on the behaviour of different people in different situations. When we understand each other’s behavioural patterns, it is easier to recognise when and why a conflict arises, making it easier to deal with conflicts effectively.
  • Recruitment: A DiSC personality profile can be a useful tool during a recruitment process to assess how a candidate’s personality and behavioural patterns fit a given position or team.
  • Sales training: When you understand your own and others’ personality profiles, it is easier to align your selling style with your customer’s buying style. With knowledge of DiSC, you can ensure you choose the right strategy and maximise customer trust.
  • Team building: DISC person profiles help us understand the dynamics of a team. When you have insight into individual preferences, it is possible to optimise team composition, improve communication and increase efficiency. It can also help identify potential conflict points and align work tasks with each person’s strengths.

A DiSC personality profile is created from answers to a questionnaire that asks the respondent to consider what they are most likely to do in a given situation. The answers then form the basis of the personality profile, which tells us something about the respondent’s most likely behaviour in certain situations.

Companies may have different purposes for using people profiles, but regardless of the end goal, DiSC can help you gain a deeper understanding of the behaviour of both managers and employees in specific situations.

Choose between different DiSC profile analyses

At People & Performance, we have a wide range of DiSC profile assessments, all aimed at raising awareness of people’s behaviour to improve internal communication, teamwork and productivity in organisations.

A DiSC profile analysis can be used both when working on your personal development as a leader and when working with your employees. You can use DiSC as a profiling tool when you want to strengthen relationships in the workplace, improve your team’s efficiency and productivity or better adapt your selling style to your customer’s buying style to close more sales.

Achieve a solid foundation for business development with DiSC

DiSC is an easy and intuitive development tool to implement in organisations.

DiSC personality profiles not only give each individual employee increased self-awareness, but can also be used to build a common framework of understanding and a common language within the organisation. This gives you a solid foundation for targeted business development.

Get a professional personal profile from an Authorised Everything DiSC® partner

People & Performance is an authorised Everything DiSC® partner. We work with DiSC in different ways depending on which area of the organisation needs to be optimised.

When you purchase a DiSC profile analysis from us, you get a comprehensive report with specific inputs on the development of team performance that can be used both by managers and within teams.


You can read more about our different DiSC profile analyses in our webshop


What is the purpose of DiSC

DiSC is a development tool used by more than a million people every year to create personal development, teamwork and productivity in the workplace. DiSC thus creates a deeper foundation for individual, management and group development.

DiSC has many different purposes and serves as an analysis of personal profiles based on different approaches to development. Regardless of the goal, it can contribute to a deeper understanding of the behaviours of both managers and employees.


DiSC as a tool to accommodate diversity and promote inclusion

Companies are increasingly working strategically towards diversity and inclusion due to a paramount need to include its employees and accommodate diversity in the workplace.

You can use DiSC to focus on diversity in the workplace and create an inclusive culture with an understanding of differences.

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