
What DiSC products does People & Performance offer?

People & Performance offers a wide range of Everything DiSC products, each of which aims to optimise human behaviour in order to improve internal communication, teamwork and productivity in organisations.

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Danni Pharao Munk

Danni Pharao Munk

Senior Consultant


+45 5194 2009

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People & Performance offers a wide range of Everything DiSC products, each of which aims to optimise human behaviour in order to improve internal communication, teamwork and productivity in organisations. On our webshop, you can access People & Performance’s range of DiSC products.

“HR and talent management professionals look to Everything DiSC to develop individuals in the areas of leadership, management training, sales training, and team building”, says Wiley, People & Performance’s DiSC provider. Everything DiSC is thus a personal learning tool that has an immediate and lasting impact on the performance of people and the cultures of organisations.

Read on to find out more about the different Everyhing DiSC products.

Everything DiSC products

People & Performance offers a range of Everything DiSC products to help you create change in the workplace. When choosing a DiSC product, it is a good idea to start with the challenge you want to focus on.

Strengthen internal relationships with Everything DiSC Workplace

Everything DiSC Workplace (EDW) is primarily used for increasing self-awareness, team building, trust building, career development, conflict management, as well as strengthening general management and leadership. EDW thus provides valuable insights into your own preferences and the (preferred) preferences of others. In this way, EDW provides a basis for strengthening your relationships at work through a personalised assessment of how individual employees act and communicate in work contexts.

Get a visual overview of your team with Everything DiSC Team View

If you also want a snapshot and visual overview of a team’s individual DiSC profiles, Everything DiSC Team View is a useful product. The product provides an insight into where a team is on a DiSC map. It creates a simple and effective overview to create dialogue about how the team is working and communicating, and how this can be developed.

Improve sales and customer relationships with Everything DiSC Sales Profile

Everything DiSC Sales Profile is used to improve sales, customer service, as well as to develop advisors and anyone working with customer relationships. The profile also includes the understanding of customers and service recipients so that salespeople/service providers can engage better and more effectively with their customers/service recipients.

Develop team and culture with Everything DiSC Group Culture Report

If you want to develop your team and its culture, you should have a look at the Everything DiSC Group Culture Report. Here, you will get a better understanding of the pros and cons of a group’s DiSC culture. At the same time, the profile also serves as a tool for understanding the DiSC culture’s impact on group members, as well as its influence on risk-taking and decision-making.

View, compare and learn from employees’ DiSC profiles

An Everything DiSC Facilitator Report provides an overview of a group of employees’ DiSC profiles. This includes the name and type of profile for each participant and can therefore be used to understand how different DiSC profiles impact an organisation’s culture. The product is thus designed to help the facilitator understand the diversity of the interpersonal styles within a team.

An Everything DiSC Comparison Report is a comparison product that allows employees to compare their personality profiles. The comparison helps employees discover and understand how to best work together. The product is particularly used for team building – especially in new teams – because the report provides a good understanding of colleagues’ behaviour, preferences and communication patterns.

Finally, The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team is a learning experience that empowers employees to achieve success in teams based on an understanding of five approaches to teamwork. Through the knowledge of five different behaviours, team members can gain insight into how a team works well together to create a well-performing, high-functioning team that – together – can make effective decisions.

Buy DiSC products on our webshop

People & Performance offers a wide range of DiSC products, each aimed at optimising people behaviour to improve internal communication, teamwork and productivity in organisations.

Products based on needs

People & Performance offers products according to internal needs. This enables companies to purchase products that provide them with the greatest value and are tailored to internal needs.

Jesper Staack Krab, partner at People & Performance, comments on which webshop products are particularly relevant from a business perspective:

“It depends on the need. There are leadership, team, and business development needs, among others, for which all products can be used. DiSC might be the same, but it will be aligned in a different context based on needs”.

Thus, to ensure user value experience, People & Performance facilitates and delivers DiSC sessions because we find that well-composed teams enhance performance, which is why we recommend high attention to team composition. People & Performance thus helps companies develop leaders, teams and entire organisations by focusing on how employees’ DiSC profiles work together most effectively.


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