by | Jun 23, 2023 | Cases, Kundecases
JYSK is an international retail chain selling products within Scandinavian sleeping and living. The organisation is the largest Danish retailer, with 3,200 stores in 48 countries. People & Performance delivers a diverse range of leadership programs at JYSK,...
by | Jun 12, 2023 | All, Alle, Cases, Kundecases
Arkil is one of the largest construction companies in Denmark with more than 2,100 employees. Arkil has over 80 years of expertise, and the company is recognised as a professional and highly qualified partner by both large public and private clients and consultants in...
by | May 8, 2023 | All, Alle, Alle, Cases, Kundecases
Pelican Self Storage is a Nordic company that offers storage for private and business customers in Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Since 2017, Pelican Self Storage has used People & Performance for various types of development programmes for leaders and their teams....
by | Nov 11, 2022 | All, Alle, Cases, Kundecases, Uncategorized
P. Lindberg uses DiSC in development and recruitment processes. The company is successful in using DiSC to understand employee profiles, candidate profiles, and how the profiles can potentially complement each other. At P. Lindberg, collaboration and communication...
by | Nov 10, 2022 | All, Alle, Cases, Kundecases, Kundecases, Uncategorized
DSV has worked with People & Performance for many years, and the organisation has successfully used DiSC as a tool to understand its employees’ behaviour and preferences. The good cooperation has given DSV’s leaders insight into employees’...
by | Oct 11, 2022 | All, Alle, Cases, Kundecases, Uncategorized
People & Performance delivered a coaching programme for 27 participants divided into two teams in an international partner-driven company. The programme ran over 3 months and included a Hogan Personality Assessment, four executive coaching sessions and three team...