by | Mar 5, 2024 | Artikler, Uncategorized
Stepping into a new high-level leadership role in the organization presents exciting challenges, but it is also a transition that requires your full attention. Are you about to cross the threshold into such a position, or have you already taken the first steps? The...
by | Jun 23, 2023 | Cases, Kundecases
JYSK is an international retail chain selling products within Scandinavian sleeping and living. The organisation is the largest Danish retailer, with 3,200 stores in 48 countries. People & Performance delivers a diverse range of leadership programs at JYSK,...
by | Jun 12, 2023 | All, Alle, Cases, Kundecases
Arkil is one of the largest construction companies in Denmark with more than 2,100 employees. Arkil has over 80 years of expertise, and the company is recognised as a professional and highly qualified partner by both large public and private clients and consultants in...
by | Nov 10, 2022 | All, Alle, Cases, Kundecases, Kundecases, Uncategorized
DSV has worked with People & Performance for many years, and the organisation has successfully used DiSC as a tool to understand its employees’ behaviour and preferences. The good cooperation has given DSV’s leaders insight into employees’...
by | Oct 28, 2022 | All, Alle, Articles, Artikler, Uncategorized, Uncategorized
The concept of “quiet quitting” has resurfaced in many companies, sparking a global discussion on mental well-being at work. While this type of employee behaviour is not new, the pandemic, remote work, younger generations, and new work demands have caused...